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TransformationStarts With You
Woman Being Free

The Grief Recovery Method®



Are you suffering from a broken heart?

Did a death, divorce, or the end of a romantic relationship cause it? Or was it caused by any of the forty other losses that a person might experience such as moving, pet loss, or a change in finances? Regardless of the cause, you know how you feel and it probably isn’t good.

 We aren’t going to tell you, “We know how you feel,” because we don’t. Neither does anyone else. What we will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.

The Problem

Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information we’ve learned about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although our Grief Support Groups involve some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery must deal with your broken heart, which requires emotional support instead of intellectual explanations.

Myths about Grief

  • Time heals all wounds
  • Replace the loss
  • Grieve alone
  • Be strong
  • Don't feel bad
  • Keep busy


The Solution

People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you how. The Grief Recovery Method which has been developed and refined over the past 30 years, teaches you how to recover from loss with supportive guidance every step of the way. 

Who is it for?

The Grief Recovery Method Program is for anyone who has experienced any kind of loss.

With Grief Recovery Program you will:

v Recognize that your emotions are part of the healing process

v Learn unique steps on your journey to lighten your grief load

v Learn what to do when you’re having a “bad day”

v Uncover a new and brighter you



This Grief Recovery Program runs for seven (7) weekly one-hour individual sessions.

The total cost of the 7-week program is $720.00 to be paid in weekly payments or in full prior to the first session.

The program cost includes:

  • The Grief Recovery Handbook
  • Unlimited emails during the 7 week program
  • Two (2) urgent support calls between sessions, each call not to exceed 15 minutes, over the course of the seven (7) sessions.

Subsequent therapy sessions, after completion of the seven-week program, will be charged at a rate of $150.00 per sixty-minute (60) session.

Guarantee: As I believe in the Grief Recovery Program and it’s impact on healing after loss, I offer to my clients the following: If after the third week of working with me in the program and you having completed the assigned work, if you have not experienced a shift or change in your life, we will conclude the sessions prior to week four and you will not be responsible for the cost of the remaining sessions.


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